error-handler-plugin - Mulesoft Catalyst
How to publish error-hanlder-plugin from mulesoft catalyst github to anypoint exchange. this artical focus on resolving the following errors while building "error-handler-plugin" . 1." A required class was missing while executing org/eclipse/aether/connector/basic/BasicRepositoryConnectorFactory " ( this is due to wrong maven verson, see the mulesoft help article in pre-requisite section) 2. ): Not authorized , ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized. ( this issue is due to wrong or no credentials configured related to mulesoft enterprise nexus repo credentials ). 3. ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.mule.runtime.plugins:mule-extensions-maven-plugin:1.4.1:extension-model (default-extension-model) on project api-error-handler: Execution default-extension-model of goal org.mule.runtime.plugins:mule-extensions-maven-plugin:1.4.1:extension-model ...